Saturday, March 30, 2013

The I in IT

I had a friend recently ask how I knew so much about computers (he was in a bachelors program for Infosec) and the only thing I could tell him is that I've been learning for the past decade on subjects that interest me. I didn't wake up on day and just know how to computer, it took years of RTFM and JFGI. Which is exactly what the "I" in IT is for INFORMATION!

We live in an era where information is free and every where. The fact that people still don't take full advantage of this befuddles me. Hell even Ivy league schools have open courses you can take absolutely free. Now this doesn't have to just be about technology but literally you can find information about any subject on the internet; however since this is an infosec based blog I'll keep to that subject.

Ever hear of google data mining? It's pretty f'ing sweet! You can dig up data by parsing strings, characters, and operations with google. This is helpful in pinpointing exactly what you want to look up. For instance you need the manual for something in pdf format adding filetype:pdf to your search will bring up only links that end with a file type of... yup you guessed it .pdf.

Example: google mining filetyp

Another great resource of learning you ask? Forums, and learning from others has taken me so much further then I imagined. I started out on binrev long ago with my quest for more information security knowledge. There is also irc which has helped me a lot since you have specific channels for specific things. For instance for help in linux, there is always an irc for that distro that you're running with people there to help you. One of my favorites is reddit. Reddit (for those of you living under a rock) is a collaboration of articles, self posts, images, etc from millions of people. There are sub "reddits" for almost anything you can think of. Information and it's free! I might not always know the answer but I surly know where to find it.

Last but not least don't forget there are physical books still available.

P.S. - Don't worry more interesting articles are coming in the future

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